Wednesday 1 December 2010

Coursework - Game Plan

So our meeeting in the lab went quite well and we have decided upon an idea which we had considered the previous week. We had a number of interesting proposals set forward but in the end we choose the Tangible User Geography Quiz Map as we collectively felt that it had a good balance of fun, stimulating challenge and educational value.
The game involves getting a child (or children) to match the name of country to a silhouette of a geographical region on a map which is unnamed. The game would provide an initial timed period during which the child is given the opportunity learn the map regions and also recognise the outlines of borders. The game would contain  incremental scoring as well as controls to ensure that naming of the set of unknown regions would have to be completed within a designated amount of time.We are also interested in looking at the possibility of providing the game with dual or multi-player optionality. There are other aspects of the game's inplementation which we will also need to consider in more depth to make sure that we use the functionality of both reactivision and processing software maximally.

1 comment:

  1. All sounds very good, hopefully if we are all in friday we can decide how to take this further!
